Friday 19 July 2013

Old Lagos Before 1960

Old Lagos Before 1960

I'm so happy about the present transformation (or re-transformation) of my beloved Lagos State (Las Gidi) - and I have decided to bring back memories (with pictures) - of what the great city of Lagos used to look like. Bear in mind that Lagos wasn't built by the colonial masters - the Lagos elites (mostly business men from the slave trade era), and slave returnees built Lagos.

PS: I'm not trying to knock the colonial masters  - I'm basically just trying to give credit to those who made Lagos what it was then. Old Lagos, the city my dad will never stop talking about.


Aerial View of Lagos, circa 1960

Araromi House on Tokunbo and Oshodi

Around Broad Street

Lagos Bar Beach

Balogun Street with Tram Tracks

Broad Street

Broad Street

Carter Bridge

Carter Bridge

Cathedral Church Marina

Cathedral Church, Marina

Central Mosque, Lagos

CMS Church

First Storey Building, Lagos

Glover Hall, 1887

Holy Cross, Cathedral

Independence Square, Lagos

House on Odunfa Street

Iddo, Lagos

Idungaran Palace

kingsway Building, Marina


Lagos Island

Lagos Island


Lagos Island

Lagos Stream Train 

Lagos Waterfront


Original Tinubu Square

Shitta Bey Mosque

Yaba, Lagos

Carter Bridge Area, Lagos

Ikeja, Lagos Circa 1928

Lagos, 1940

Lagos in the 60s

Lagos, 1920

Lagos, 1925

Lagos, 1930

Lagos, 1930

Lagos Club, 1928

Tinubu Square, 1960

Yaba, Lagos

Wednesday 17 July 2013


Wizkid Buys Atm In His House

From an undisclosed informant, it is said that wizkid the “money miss road” Nigerian Artist has included yet another mobile product amongst his plethora of machine. Our source informed us that this happened as a result of an awkward occurence that went down on saturday while Wizkid was partying.
Reports claim that while Wizkid was partying at a popular bar on the island, his bill rose to 1.5million naira and off course no bank was opened, so in order for the young star not to be greatly embarrassed, he ordered his bank Zenith Bank to make him a customize atm with which he can withdraw close to a million naira at once.
We heard he paid a huge sum of money for it in which case our informant also told us that the atm is highly protected as it is surrounded by sharks and crocodiles. When asked how it was disclosed that wizzy ordered julius berger to make a mobile pool which is very deep, where he keeps the atm just directly in the middle.
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Friday 12 July 2013


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Bismillah Wasalatu wasalam A’la Rasulillah. Ama Ba’ad
1) Focusing on food; to the extent that people begin to worry about eating more then actually fasting. This also goes along with spending tons of money on Iftars even though a person does not need to eat that much food.
2) Making Suhr way before Fajr. Some people eat Suhr a few hours after Tarawih or Isha Salah, this is wrong. It should be eaten closer to the time of Fajr.
3) People don’t make Niyyah [intentions] to fast for Ramadhan. This is something in the heart and does not need to be verbal. Also it only needs to be done once, at the beginning of Ramadhan and not every single day.
4) If you find out late that Ramadhan started, you should stop eating and fast for that day, making that day up after Ramadhan/Eid ends.
5) Many people don’t think you pray Tarawih on the first night of Ramadhan. They believe you pray it after the first day you actually fast. They forget that the Islamic calendar runs on the moon, maghrib is the start of the new day.
6) Many people believe if you eat or drink on accident this breaks your fast. This is false, if you do this on accident then you continue fasting and do not need to make up the day.
7) Some people take the opinion that if they see someone eating or drinking they should not remind the person that he/she is fasting. According to Shaykh Bin Baz [ra], this is incorrect and it is an order from Allah for us to ordain the good and forbid the evil. Thus we tell the person, because we are forbidding the evil this way.
8) Many sisters believe they cannot use Hennah while fasting. This is incorrect, they are allowed to use it during Ramadhan.
9) Some people believe when you are cooking you cannot taste the food to see if it has the right spices/flavors. This is false, and allowed in Islam as long as the person cooking is not eating the food. Rather they can taste it to see if it needs salt, or more spices.
10) Many people think you cannot use a Miswak or toothbrush during Ramadhan. This is false, for the Prophet [saw] used to use a miswak during Ramadhan. Also you CAN use toothpaste; the reasoning by the scholars is that the Miswak has flavor, thus toothpaste is okay to use [if you are not eating it].
11) Some people make the Fajr Adhan early. They do this so people will stop eating before Fajr and not invalidate their fast. This is wrong and something we should not do.
12) Some people make the Maghrib Adhan late. They do this so people will start eating late, just incase Maghrib has not come in yet. This too is wrong and we should not do this.
13) Many many people believe you cannot have intercourse with your spouse during the whole month of Ramadhan. This is false, you cannot do this only during the times when you are fasting. Between Maghrib and Fajr it is permissible to do.
14) Many women believe that if their period has just ended and they did not make Ghusl, they cannot fast that day [considering their period ended at night, and they went to bed without Ghusl, waking up without having a chance to make it]. This is incorrect, if a women has not made Ghusl she can still fast.
15) Many men believe that if he has had intercourse with his wife and did not make Ghusl [similar to the above] then he cannot fast the next morning. This is also incorrect, for he can fast even if he has not made Ghusl.
16) Some people pray Dhur and Asr prayers together during Ramadhan. (mainly in Arab countries) This is incorrect and should be avoided.
17) Some people believe you cannot eat until the Muadhthin is done calling the Maghrib Adthan. This is incorrect, as soon as he starts a person can break their fast.
18) Many people don’t take advantage of making D’ua before they break their fast. This is one of the three times when Allah accepts a person D’ua.
19) Many people make the mistake of spending the later part of Ramadhan preparing for ‘Id, neglecting Ramadhan. This is incorrect and these people lose the concept of what Ramadhan is about.
20) Many parents do not let their children fast during Ramadhan [young children]. This is something counter productive to a child. By allowing him to fast he will grow up to know he must do this act.
21) Many people think Ramadhan is just about not eating and forget about controlling their tempers and watching what they say. In actuality we are supposed to control our tempers and mouths even more during Ramadhan.
22) People often waste their time during Ramadhan. They go to sleep during the day and get nothing done. We should be taking advantage of this blessed month by doing extra Ibadat.
23) Some people don’t go on trips or travel during Ramadhan. They think they have to break their fast when traveling. This is actually optional, if you want to break your fast while traveling you can [with making it up later], and if you don’t you can continue fasting.
24) Many people who are able don’t make I’tikaf at the masjid. We should take advantage of our good health and spend lots of time at the Masjid, especially the last 10 days of Ramadhan.
25) Some people believe they cannot cut their hair or nails during Ramadhan. This is also false.
26) Some people say you cannot swallow your spit during Ramadhan. This too is false. However you cannot swallow mucus that has entered your mouth.
27) Some people say you cannot use scented oils or perfumes during Ramadhan. This too is false.
28) Some people believe bleeding breaks the fast. This is not true.
29) Some people believe if you throw up on accident it breaks your fast. This is not true, however if you do it intentionally it does.
30) Some people think you cannot put water in your nose and mouth during wudhu in Ramadhan. This too is incorrect.
                                                             Compiled from 9ja news


  1.  command day secondary school oshodi
  2. Loyola Jesuit College (Abuja)
  3. Citizens College (Temu-Epe Lagos)
  4. Citicoll Academy (Lagos)
  5. Dority International Secondary School (Aba)
  6. Atlantic Hall School (Poka-Epe Lagos)
  7. Vivian Fowler Memorial College for Girls (Lagos)
  8. Olashore International School (Osun)
  9. Avi-cenna (Lagos)
  10. Greensprings School (Lagos)
  11. Corona Secondary school (Ogun)
  12. Grange School (Lagos)
  13. British International School (Lagos)
  14. Whitesands School For Boys (Lagos)
  15. Chrisland college (Lagos)
  16. International School Lagos (ISL)
  17. St.Gregory's College (Lagos)
  18. Grace High School (Lagos)
  19. Nigerian Turkish International College (Abuja)
  20. Lagoon Secondary School For Girls (Lagos)
  21. Kings College (Lagos)
  22. Capital Science Academy (Abuja)
  23. Adesoye College (Kwara)
  24. Command day secondary school Ikeja
  25. penny international college coker..